Saturday, March 31, 2007

Firing Up the Grill

Spring is here: today we cooked on the grill and ate dinner on the deck, and that's what really marks Spring's arrival for me. Just hamburgers and sweet potato grill-fries, but MMMMM-MH! it was tasty, all washed down with a nice microbrewery beer. Life is good.

We spent much of the day working on gardening projects. I awoke early and let the hens out as soon as the sun was up. The Girls are thrilled that the snow is going, and just yesterday realized that all the snow is gone from the raised beds, and most of the snow was gone from the vegetable garden. They are in dirt scratching
heaven. Their coop area is still pretty muddy, but the rest of the back yard is in better shape. (By then end of today all the snow in the vegetable garden area was gone.)

This morning, after breakfast, I worked on the plan for the new deck bed, mentioned earlier, and the plan for it's neighbor across the path, and Dan worked on the plan for the new grape arbor. We then took the dog for a walk, went to the recycling center, then farm store for chicken scratch and shavings for the Girls, and returned home to putter about outside for the remainder of the afternoon.

Sitting on the deck at about 4:15, I suggested to Dan that we cook out on the grill. In a flash, Dan was on his way to the local grocer for ground beef, and we had an early supper to take advantage of the late afternoon sun. Dinner was delicious, and sitting on the deck with a beer, sun in our faces, watching the Girls scratch about in the garden, is just about the most relaxing thing I can imagine. Life is good.

1 comment:

Vincent said...

These scenes should have come after the April posts.