So home it came, and it sat waiting until I had some time to paint it. As the sewing room project is winding down, but not quite finished (that floor paint takes a long time to dry), yesterday seemed like the right time.
I had some bright purple paint left from painting the front doorstep, (yes, I painted our front doorstep purple, and it looks magnificent with our yellow house) and I decided to use that. I sanded gently but thoroughly, carefully removed all the dust, and gave it a first coat. I love the color. While it was drying, it took a paint sample and went fabric shopping, and I found
I love the combination. I need to affix the fabric seat cover material, and give it one more coat of paint. I'm going to take it into my office, where together with a fabulous turquoise lamp I bought at a yard sale, it will lend some badly needed life and color to my institutionally neutral office.
Ali, please, if you get tired of this georgeous chair & I'll give it a good home!
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